
by Thamyris

Wired monsters hum
Lumbering thoughtlessly
Faces from its belly peer, weary
Their essence blurred
Into placid reflections sucked
Puddled surfaces
Swallowed left
Then spat right
Dismally into inky eventide
A drone–song–hummed
Or sung
In melancholy tones
Symphonic prelude
Behind my whispers
And guided tours
Driven lightly ‘cross your neck
Let others watch
I could care not
By streetlight and dark
These famished fingers cry
To peel dark from your skin
One inch at a time
Provide you cause
To join this city’s song
With moans of your own
Carried weightless
Wafted down upon these cold
Steel beasts
Castles and streets
Be we peasants, kings or priests
Let longing lead release
Until you sing for me
